Piaget conducted a series of research studies ofnchildren and how they develop. The key ideas that have been identified in his theories are: children are active and motivated learners, children organize what they learn from their experiences, the interaction that children have with their environment is critical for their learning and development, children adapt to their environment through assimilation and accommodation, children think in different ways depending on their age level, and when children achieve a state of equilibrium, this can help progress towards an increasingly complex form of though (Ormrod, 2012). 

Piaget did speculate that the progression through the stages is limited by the child's neurological maturation level and not just by their age. Piaget's stages help to provide insights to  how children think at different age levels (Ormrod, 2012).

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    Miranda M. Smith, RN BSN

    My name is Miranda Smith. I am a graduate student at the University of North Alabama. I am doing this webpage as part of completion of some of my graduate work and have found it to be interesting. I have been a nurse for 11 years and upon completion of my degree I hope to become a nurse educator. This has gotten me out of my comfort zone, but I know I can do it!



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