Educators have a huge impact on the learning process of students. They are with them a large portion of the year and many teachers are viewed as role models by their students. They provide guidance, support, and strength to many students. Having an educator that possess good teacher-efficacy is of importance. A teacher that has confidence in themself helps to increase their students academic performance and strengths (Oquendo, 2012).

A teacher who is motivated to teach their students and willing to go the extra distance, will get their students more motivated in their learning activities and typically these students will perform better and be higher achievers. They will be more involved in their learning environment and enjoy learning (Oquendo, 2012).

Teachers are important to students from the first day of school. They influence what children do even when the teacher is not paying attention. Even in college, students look to the teachers for guidance and instruction.
Amy Mobley
4/19/2013 11:17:05 am

Very nice webpage! Unique including pictures of your family to help incorporate understanding of learning concept. Thanks for mentioning to importance of teachers being effective role models. Teachers are held to high standards and should strive to be the best role model one can be.


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    Miranda M. Smith RN, BSN

    My name is Miranda Smith. I am a graduate student at the University of North Alabama. I am doing this webpage as part of completion of some of my graduate work and have found it to be interesting. I have been a nurse for 11 years and upon completion of my degree I hope to become a nurse educator. This has gotten me out of my comfort zone, but I know I can do it!


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